Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ork Warboss

Im still painting Tyranid Termagants, so I figured I'd post one of my older models up. This is the Black Reach Ork Warboss. Someone had paid me to paint this model. I was happy to get a chance to paint this model considering how cool it was.

The Ork's skin was painted with Orkhide Shade foundation paint (which is a very dark green foundation paint great for Orks). After that dried I carefully applied Goblin Green onto the raised areas of the skin making sure the deep areas of the skin remained dark. Finally, I line highlighted a mix of Goblin Green and White along all of the highest parts of the skin.

All the areas that are silver were painted the same and is very easy to accomplish. Simply use Chainmail (a mid-range silver color) and when dried wash the area with black wash. The result is a fairly worn looking silver. However, the Claw was painted differently. I painted it silver and washed it with black, but then, once that dried, I washed a coat of Devlan Mud on. This gave the claw a very worn out look which I thought was perfect for the Ork's main weapon.

The pants were painted using Scorched Brown. I then dry brushed that with Snakebite Leather and finally dry brushed the pants with Bubonic Brown (which is an almost yellow color). Once everything was dry I washed the pants with Devlan Mud and the result was a very dark leather look.

All the areas painted black were simple. I just used two or three shades of gray. Starting with black, then moving to a 30/70 mixture of Codex Gray and Black, Then a mixture of 50/50 Codex Gray and Black and finally pure Codex Gray.

The checkered board pattern is always a pain. One mistake and you may have to re-do the entire area, so take your time. I never did this pattern prior to doing it with this model, so I made sure to practice on scrap a few times. I basically began by painting the entire area Dbeneb Stone (which is a very light gray foundation paint). Then I painted over that with a slightly watered down (more so than usual) white. Using a fine tipped brush, I began to paint black squares onto the model. I used a watered down black paint - close to the consistency of milk perhaps.

After this model I went on to paint the rest of the Black Reach set for commission to the same person. Take a look at those models below.

For each group I used the same techniques and colors as the Warboss above. I think the entire set turned out great and I'm pretty sure the person I sold them too was fairly happy as well.

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