Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Painting Hellcannon Continued

So I have continued work on the Hellcannon. I put a few details in and reattached the spikes to the wheels, which I had to remove to paint the inside red. Take a look.

This picture is basically showing the rear engine which I gave a rotting flesh look. I simply painted the area with Deneb Stone, dry brushed Rotting Flesh over that and then washed it with black and brown wash.

Here you can see a side few of my progress. I've painted and washed the bone on the front of the cannon. I placed the decorations back on the large wheels and cleaned up the model. I'll post more pictures tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow great choice in model to paint.The colors on barrels for skulls looks great.Cant wait to see the finished model!!!!!!
